Alignment to National and European Policy Contexts

Over the course of the strategic plan, Maynooth University will contribute to achieving Ireland’s national policy objectives. As a research-intensive institution with a global outlook, we will align our goals and initiatives with European policies and strategies and be cognisant of global trends and influences.

To ensure the successful implementation of our strategic plan, Maynooth University will engage with relevant stakeholders.


In the course of the development of our strategic priorities, we have considered national policies and objectives, including Impact 2030, National Action Plan for Open Research, National Development Plan 2030, Programme for Government, Funding the Future (2022), Unified Tertiary System (2022), National Access Plan 2022-2028, HEA Act 2022, Adult Literacy for Life, Action Plan for Apprenticeships, and Future FET: Transforming Learning and the forthcoming Research and Innovation Bill and International Education Strategy. European policies also have informed the development of this plan: the European Higher Education Area and the emerging European Education Area, the European Research Area (ERA), Horizon Europe and ERASMUS+.

To ensure the successful implementation of our strategic plan, Maynooth University will engage with relevant stakeholders, such as national and European University associations, funding agencies, and policymakers, to inform and influence policy and align our plan with broader national and European policy objectives.

Maynooth University’s strategic objectives will contribute to the achievement of national policy objectives in a number of ways.

We will enhance Ireland’s research and innovation capacity by increasing investment in research and enhance collaboration with industry and government, in line with the goals of Impact 2030. We will promote open access to research data and publications to increase the impact of our research and promote collaboration across disciplines, in alignment with the National Action Plan for Open Research.

We will support Shared Island initiatives, respond to the OECD Skills Strategy Ireland: Assessment and Recommendations, and improve our infrastructure through strategic borrowing from the European Investment Bank (EIB), aligning with the government’s long term investment strategy outlined in the National Development Plan 2030.

We will work to enhance the quality and international standing of our University, respond to the skills needs of the public sector, and strengthen our collaborations with universities, technological universities, and further education providers, in accordance with the priorities of the Programme for Government, Funding the Future, and the Unified Tertiary System.

We will continue to develop new initiatives to widen access to higher education, including to the professions, in line with the National Access Plan 2022-2028. We will enhance our governance and funding practices, aligning them to the principles of transparency and accountability outlined in the HEA Act 2022.

In collaboration with our stakeholders across community, business and education, we will support the goals of Adult Literacy for Life, the Action Plan for Apprenticeships (2021-2025) and Future FET: Transforming Learning.

Maynooth University’s strategic plan also gives due consideration to European policies and priorities.

We will promote open research, collaboration and partnerships with higher education institutions across Europe and collaborating partner countries in accordance with the objectives of the European Higher Education Area (EHEA), European Education Area (EEA), and the European Research Area (ERA).

We will ensure appropriate alignment between the focus of the University’s research beacons and the funding priorities under Horizon Europe. We will encourage, support and widen mobility opportunities for staff and students under ERASMUS+.